Diff for "JapaneseInAdobeReaderHowto"

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Revision 4 as of 2008-05-15 08:29:44
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Editor: yangmei
Revision 5 as of 2008-06-27 10:14:50
Size: 2979
Editor: localhost
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This guide explains how to install support for Japanese fonts in [#Acro7.0 Adobe Reader 7.0 under Ubuntu 6.06.] And [#Acro8.1 Adobe Reader 8.1 in Ubuntu 7.10] This guide explains how to install support for Japanese fonts in [[#Acro7.0|Adobe Reader 7.0 under Ubuntu 6.06.]] And [[#Acro8.1|Adobe Reader 8.1 in Ubuntu 7.10]]
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[[Anchor(Acro7.0)]] <<Anchor(Acro7.0)>>
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Before you start, make sure you have [:AcrobatHowTo:installed Adobe Reader 7.0]. Before you start, make sure you have [[AcrobatHowTo|installed Adobe Reader 7.0]].
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This above section is based on a now inaccessible [http://lists.suse.de/archive/m17n/2005-Aug/0027.html August 2005 guide for Suse distros]. This above section is based on a now inaccessible [[http://lists.suse.de/archive/m17n/2005-Aug/0027.html|August 2005 guide for Suse distros]].
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[[Anchor(Acro8.1)]] <<Anchor(Acro8.1)>>
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1. Download the required fonts pack from [http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/acrrasianfontpack.html Adobe] 1. Download the required fonts pack from [[http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/acrrasianfontpack.html|Adobe]]


This guide explains how to install support for Japanese fonts in Adobe Reader 7.0 under Ubuntu 6.06. And Adobe Reader 8.1 in Ubuntu 7.10

Adobe Reader 7.0 under Ubuntu 6.06.


Before you start, make sure you have installed Adobe Reader 7.0.

1. Download two jpnfont packages from the Adobe site

mkdir /tmp/{4,5}
cd /tmp/5
wget ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobatreader/unix/5.x/jpnfont.tar.gz
cd /tmp/4
wget ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobatreader/unix/4.x/jpnfont.tar.gz 

2. Unpack and install

cd /tmp/5
tar xzf jpnfont.tar.gz
cd /usr/lib/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Resource/CMap
tar xf /tmp/5/JPNKIT/LANGCOM.TAR
cd /usr/lib/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Resource/Font
tar xf /tmp/5/JPNKIT/LANGJPN.TAR 
cd /tmp/4
tar zxf jpnfont.tar.gz
cd /usr/lib/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Resource/Font
tar xf /tmp/4/JPNKIT/LANGJPN.TAR 

3. Try it!

Fire up your Adobe Reader - support for Japanese fonts should work now.


This above section is based on a now inaccessible August 2005 guide for Suse distros.

Adobe Reader 8.1 in Ubuntu 7.10

1. Download the required fonts pack from Adobe

  • For this howto it will be assumed you are after the Japanese FontPack81_jpn_i486-linux.tar.gz but other languages should work exactly the same

2. Unpack it to a temporary directory using your favourite gui tool or

cd temporary-directory
tar -zxvf FontPack81_jpn_i486-linux.tar.gz

3. Run the installation script

sudo ./install
  • You will be asked if Acrobat 8.1 is installed
  • You will be asked to accept the licence agreement
  • You will then be asked to enter the location where you installed the Adobe Reader DO NOT accept the default /opt! The default location is /usr/lib but you can check this by opening another terminal and typing locate /Adobe/Reader8/Resource and looking at what comes up.

eg. {{{/usr/lib/Adobe/Reader8/Resource/Linguistics/Providers/Proximity/usa8603.lex /usr/lib/Adobe/Reader8/Resource/Linguistics/Providers/Proximity/brt0401.lex /usr/lib/Adobe/Reader8/Resource/Linguistics/Providers/Proximity/brt0402.lex /usr/lib/Adobe/Reader8/Resource/Linguistics/LanguageNames /usr/lib/Adobe/Reader8/Resource/Linguistics/LanguageNames/DisplayLanguageNames.en_US.txt}}} Enter the bit before the /Adobe/Reader8/ and press enter

If everything works you should get

Installing Common binaries ... 

Installing Common resources ... 

Installing Japanese language resources ... 
Installation completed.

3. Go try it!

  • And then clean up the temporary directory and install files - it's good housekeeping ;-)

CategoryDocumentation CategoryDocumentation

JapaneseInAdobeReaderHowto (last edited 2017-09-13 01:25:25 by ckimes)