Parent: UbuntuLTSP
This page is specific to Ubuntu versions 10.04, 9.10? |
If you find this information applicable to additional versions/releases, please edit this page and modify this header to reflect that. Please also include any necessary modifications for this information to apply to the additional versions.
This page is simply an addendum to anyone who has joined their LTSP server to a Windows Active Directory Domain and is trying to get Local Apps to work. By default, the domain separator in likewise-open5 is a \. However, this is a special character in Unix and causes problems in the Local Apps configuration scripts. In order to circumvent this issue, one may change the domain separator from \ to a -. This change should allow Local Apps to work, as well as making logging into the server easier (e.g. domain-user instead of
Procudeure: If you are using a version of likewise-open previous to 5.4 then you simply change the /etc/likewise-open/lsassd.conf file. Change the line that reads
domain-separator = \
domain-separator = -
After making this change run /etc/init.d/lsassd restart and you are ready to go!
If you are using likewise-open 5.4 (or later) then you must use the likewise-open registry. To change the domain separator, run this command at a terminal:
lwregshell set_value '[HKEY_THIS_MACHINE\Services\lsass\Parameters\Providers\ActiveDirectory]' DomainSeparator "-"
Then run /etc/init.d/lsassd restart and you are ready to go!