Ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04:
The MX510 should work more or less as you like it with these versions.
If you like to open a terminal with the "Logitech button" just do the following:
nano .xbindkeysrc
And write the following:
"/usr/bin/gnome-terminal" b:10
Save, install xbindkeys ( sudo apt-get install xbindkeys ), and set xbindkeys to start by adding it to: System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications -> Add -> xbindkeys in all fields.
If you use Opera (version 9.64), you might like to have the thumb-buttons to browse back/(fast) forward. This is done the following way (Opera makes a backup on its own):
Tools -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Shortcuts -> Select "Opera Standard" -> Edit -> Applications -> New
Now you write "Button8" on the left field and "Back" on the right. Press New again, add "Button9" on the left and "Forward | Fast Forward" right. Press "OK" on both forms and everything should work.
Earlier versions:
0. Creating backup
First of all, run
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf~backup
If your system hangs, you can run
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf~backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf
to get x back.
1. Changing xorg.conf
cat /proc/bus/input/devices
and find the one with:
N: Name="Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse"
look at "Handlers", f.ex.
H: Handlers=mouse1 event4
note the number after event, (i.e. event4)
in xorg.conf:
gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Configured Mouse" Driver "mouse" Option "CorePointer" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true" EndSection
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Configured Mouse" Driver "evdev" Option "CorePointer" Option "Device" "/dev/input/event4" Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2" Option "Buttons" "10" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true" EndSection
(Changed Driver to "evdev", changed "Device" to "/dev/input/[THE EVENT FROM EARLIER]" added Option "Buttons" "10")
Restart x by logging out and back in, or typing sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart, and everything should work. If you can't get back in to gnome, you could revert from backup as stated above and run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart If everything works continue to the next step.
2. Mapping the keys
Install xvkbd and xbindkeys sudo apt-get install xvkbd xbindkeys and make the ~/.xbindkeysrc file: gedit ~/.xbindkeysrc write
"/usr/X11R6/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Alt_L]\[Left]"" m:0x0 + b:6 "/usr/X11R6/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Alt_R]\[Right]"" m:0x0 + b:7 "/usr/bin/gnome-terminal" b:8
and save. (enables back and forward. the last two lines makes the "logitech button" or whatever start a new terminal)
Then run
and everything should work.
Then make xbindkeys start automatically:
System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Add -> xbindkeys
(3. Eventual problems)
Some users have had problems with wrong mapping of the scroll-buttons. This can be solved with adding the following line to the "InputDevice" section in xorg.conf:
Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 4 5 9 10 8 6 7"
Ending up with:
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Configured Mouse" Driver "evdev" Option "CorePointer" Option "Device" "/dev/input/event4" Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2" Option "Buttons" "10" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true" Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 4 5 9 10 8 6 7" EndSection
To test witch buttons are mapped to what you can run the following command in a terminal:
xev | grep button