This document belongs to Manual Full System Encryption (with Extras).

1. Support

If you hit a problem that this troubleshooting guide doesn't help, you can ask for support. In all cases, it might be helpful to point to these instructions so that people know what you are trying to do.

2. Computer fails to boot after upgrade or new installation

On rare occasions, you might find that the computer fails to boot. This can happen if Windows makes a major (not necessarily large) update, or if Grub becomes corrupted in some other way.

  1. Boot into a Live CD.
  2. Check your keyboard.

  3. Open a terminal.
  4. To unlock your partition, enter the following command. Replace /dev/SYSTEM_PARTITION with your system partition, e.g. /dev/sda5 or /dev/nvme01n1p5. You will be prompted for your system passphrase.

    •     sudo cryptsetup open --type=luks /dev/SYSTEM_PARTITION system
  5. Mount your system partition. Replace /dev/EFI_PARTITION with your EFI System Partition (ESP), e.g. /dev/sda2 or /dev/nvme01n1p2.

    •     sudo mkdir /mnt/root
          sudo mount /dev/mapper/system-root /mnt/root
          sudo mount /dev/mapper/system-boot /mnt/root/boot
          sudo mount /dev/EFI_PARTITION /mnt/root/boot/efi
  6. Enter something called chroot (don't worry about what it means).

    •     sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/root/dev
          sudo mount --bind /run /mnt/root/run
          sudo chroot /mnt/root
          mount --types=proc proc /proc
          mount --types=sysfs sys /sys
  7. Fix Grub. This might take a couple of minutes to run.
    •     refreshgrub
  8. Enter the following command.
    •     exit
  9. Close all open windows, and reboot your computer.

2.1. Still failing to fix the boot?

Please see this helpful post and this helpful script.

ManualFullSystemEncryption/Troubleshooting (last edited 2021-10-17 08:38:03 by paddy-landau)