Needs Updating |
MiniDLNA is a simple, lightweight alternative to MediaTomb, but has fewer features. It does not have a web interface for administration and must be configured by editing a text file.
sudo apt-get install minidlna
Configuration Globally (for all users)
The configuration file is /etc/minidlna.conf and these are the necessary descriptors:
#network_interface=eth0 # Self-discovers if commented (good with NetworkManager) media_dir=A,/home/user/Music # Use A, P, and V to restrict media 'type' in directory media_dir=P,/home/user/Pictures media_dir=V,/home/user/Videos friendly_name=Laptop # Optional db_dir=/var/cache/minidlna # Needs to be un-commented log_dir=/var/log # Needs to be un-commented inotify=yes # 'no' for less resources, restart required for new media
Restart the daemon for changes to take effect:
sudo service minidlna restart
To rebuild the database use:
sudo service minidlna force-reload
Configuration Locally (per user)
Disable the global daemon:
sudo service minidlna stop sudo update-rc.d minidlna disable
Create the necessary local files and directories as regular user and edit the configuration:
mkdir -p ~/.minidlna/cache cd ~/.minidlna cp /etc/minidlna.conf . $EDITOR minidlna.conf
Configure as you would globally above but these definitions need to be defined locally:
db_dir=/home/$USER/.minidlna/cache log_dir=/home/$USER/.minidlna
To start the daemon locally:
minidlna -f /home/$USER/.minidlna/minidlna.conf -P /home/$USER/.minidlna/minidlna.pid
In recent ubuntu versions, please replace minidlna with minidlnad.
minidlnad -f /home/$USER/.minidlna/minidlna.conf -P /home/$USER/.minidlna/minidlna.pid
To stop the local daemon:
xargs kill </home/$USER/.minidlna/minidlna.pid
To rebuild the database:
minidlna -f /home/$USER/.minidlna/minidlna.conf -R
In recent ubuntu versions, please replace minidlna with minidlnad.
minidlnad -f /home/$USER/.minidlna/minidlna.conf -R
To have minidlna load at startup, create the file ~/.config/autostart/minidlna.desktop:
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Name=MiniDLNA Comment=Server to stream media over network Exec=minidlna -f /home/$USER/.minidlna/minidlna.conf -P /home/$USER/.minidlna/minidlna.pid StartupNotify=false Terminal=false Hidden=false
MiniDLNA problems that have been solved.
Flawed Official Version (Oneiric)
The official version of MiniDLNA in the Oneiric repositories (1.0.21+dfsg-1) is flawed (possibly because it hasn't been compiled with 'libavcodec' support). With this version you will not be able to play mp4 video files, display pngs, and possibly other things. This version too has a problem with permission problems in /var/cache/minidlna - it kept saving some files in the album art directory as root (possibly others) but requires user 'minidlna' to access them. I also seem to remember a write access problem to the files.db file.
Fix with Stedy Version
A rebuilt Stedy's minidlna for Oneiric can be found here.
Firewall Rules
If using a firewall the the ssdp (1900/udp) and trivnet1 (8200/tcp) ports will need to be opened. For example this can be done with arno's iptables firewall by editing firewall.conf to:
OPEN_TCP="8200" OPEN_UDP="1900"