Introduction To MyPaint
MyPaint offers a set of preset brushes including ink, charcoal, pencils, blur, smudge and many texture varieties such as cloud, smoke, grass and plant type brushes. These brushes are all customisable. MyPaint also has a customisable pressure mapping interface for human input devices to simulate a more natural painting experience.
If you are using ubuntu 9.04 follow these instructions (Internet access is required)
1 ) Open a terminal window. In the main Panel on your desktop click Applications > Accessories > Terminal.
- 2 ) Copy each line of the following code, one at a time, and paste it into the Terminal window. Hit enter on your keyboard after pasting each successive line of code.
- sudo apt-get install python-dev libglib2.0-dev python-numpy swig scons
- tar -xvjf mypaint-0.7.1.tar.bz2
- cd mypaint-0.7.1
- sudo scons prefix=/usr/local install
- rm -r mypaint-0.7.1*
The first line of code downloads and installs all dependencies that are needed to make MyPaint work. The second line of code downloads a file containing the MyPaint source code, in a compressed format. The third line of code decompresses the source code file to a location created on your computer with a directory name that resembles that of the original file's name (minus the extension). The fourth line of code changes the current directory you are working to the directory you have just decompressed the MyPaint source code files to. The fifth line of code installs the actual MyPaint package, via a compiler known as scons The Sixth line of code attempts to remove the files from your system that have been used to compile MyPaint, but are no longer needed for running MyPaint. These files are in the directory you created in the third line of code.
Further Installation Instructions
these installation instructions have been adapted from MadnessMike's MyPaint installation instructions located at[resolved]+Mypaint+deb+for+Jaunty+9.04++%3F+&bodytext=Hello%2CI+have+a+real+problem+when+I+try+to+install+the+deb+package+of+Mypaint+on+Ubuntu+Jaunty+9.04.+I+have+the+button+inactive+and+still+grey.+I+can%26%23039%3Bt+install+one+of+my+favorite+software%2C+please+help+!+
External Links
see also - Wikki of MyPaint Package files for various Linux distro's. - MyPaint homepage (check for the latest version of MyPaint).