Revision 1 as of 2015-01-10 18:56:49

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Follow the instructions below to install or upgrade a Ubuntu system with a Pentium M processor that doesn't announce its PAE support.



To upgrade a system with a Pentium M processor, follow these instructions to successfully upgrade:

Install a PAE kernel (to verify your system is PAE capable)

First, run

  •   apt-get install linux-image-generic-pae

Reboot and then run

  •   uname -a

This should output a line where the version number (eg. 3.11.0-17) ends with "-generic" and is 3.11.x or above.

Add the PAE flag to processor information

To add the PAE flag to the processor information stored in /proc/cpuinfo, run the following:

  •   cat /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/flags\t*:/& pae/' > /tmp/cpuinfo_pae
      sudo mount -o bind /tmp/cpuinfo_pae /proc/cpuinfo
      sudo mount -o remount,ro,bind /proc/cpuinfo

After you have ran those commands, run

  •   grep flags /proc/cpuinfo

If the flag was correctly added, the command returns a line that starts with "flags :" and contains the flag "pae".