If you want to share your collection of photos with others, why not use an online photo sharing service?
Uploading Photos to Flickr
Flickr is a popular photo sharing service which allows you to sign up for free.
You can upload photos to Flickr using F-Spot Photo Manager.
Press Applications -> Graphics -> F-Spot Photo Manager to open F-Spot
- Select the photo or photos that you would like to upload to Flickr
Press File -> Export -> Export to Flickr...
Press Authorize. The Firefox Web Browser will open
- If asked to, enter your Flickr username and password
- You should arrive at a web page with the following message:
You have successfully authorized the application F-Spot. You can go ahead and close this window now.
Go back to F-Spot. The Authorize button should have changed to a Complete Authorization button. Press the button to allow F-Spot to access your Flickr account
Change any settings for the photos you are about to upload (see Upload Settings below)
Press OK to upload the photos to Flickr. It may take a while to upload them all
Firefox Web Browser should open to a page which says Your photos were uploaded successfully. You can now add a title and description to the photos using Flickr
Upload Settings
Choose Private under Viewing Permissions if you would like to restrict who can see your photos on Flickr
Choose Public under Viewing Permissions if you would like anyone to be able to see your photos on Flickr
Tick Resize to and choose a size if you would like to upload a smaller copy of the photo
Tick Strip metadata if you would like all of the information about the photo which was added by your digital camera to be removed (such as the time it was taken and the camera it was taken with)
Tick Export tags if you have tagged photos in F-Spot and would like those tags to be available with the photo on Flickr
Glossary of Terms
Authorization is a way of giving a program such as F-Spot permission to access your Flickr account. Authorization is a security measure intended to make it difficult for other people to use your account without your permission.Upload
Copy a file on your computer to a website, such as Flickr.