Show off your photos in all of their glory by running a slideshow! Ubuntu provides several ways to watch slideshows of photos.

Slideshow Software

Using Shotwell Photo Manager

Shotwell Photo Manager has a slideshow feature.

  1. Press Applications -> Graphics -> Shotwell Photo Manager to open Shotwell

  2. Press View -> Slideshow

  3. The slideshow will start

Using F-Spot Photo Manager

F-Spot Photo Manager has a slideshow feature.

  1. Press Applications -> Graphics -> F-Spot Photo Manager to open F-Spot

  2. Select the photos that you want to appear in the slideshow
    • You can select multiple photos by holding down Ctrl and clicking the photos you want to see

  3. Press View -> Slideshow

  4. The slideshow will start
    • Press any key or click the mouse to exit the slideshow
    • Press the Space key once to skip a photo or press it a few times to show the slideshow menu

    • Sometimes, the space key may not work or may cause the slideshow to exit. This seems to be a bug.

Using the Image Viewer

The Image Viewer application is capable of displaying slideshows.

  1. Find a folder with some photos in it
    • If you would like to watch a slideshow of all of the photos in the folder, just double-click on a single photo to open it

    • If you only want to see a slideshow containing a selection of the photos in the folder, select the photos which you want to see, right-click one of them and then select Open with "Image Viewer"

  2. Press View -> Slideshow to start the slideshow

    • Press the Escape key to exit the slideshow

    • You cannot currently skip photos

Slideshow Wallpaper

Using Cortina

Cortina Wallpaper Slideshow watches the folder(s) that you specify for images and rotates them at a set interval.

Slideshow Screensaver

Using F-Spot

You can use a slideshow of your photos as you screensaver.

  1. Press System -> Preferences -> Screensaver

  2. Select the F-Spot photos screensaver theme

  3. Photos which are tagged as Favorites in F-Spot Photo Manager will be displayed as your screensaver

If you would like to change which tag is used for the slideshow:

  1. Open F-Spot

  2. Press Edit -> Preferences

  3. Under Screensaver, select the desired tag

  4. Press Close

Photos/Slideshows (last edited 2010-12-06 16:03:26 by 24)