Info for "PureKDE"

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Revision History

Showing page edit history entries from 1 to 10 out of 10 entries total. (5 | 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 | 200 items per page)

# Date Size Editor Comment Action
10 2009-12-20 21:04:23 14727 to previous cpc2-smal7-0-0-cust203 Add Jaunty and Karmic, move Gutsy to unsupported view
9 2009-04-30 04:20:38 11044 to previous adsl190-027000006 Removed CategoryDocumentation reference view
8 2008-10-10 00:03:02 11067 to previous 82-37-240-159 Be a bit more careful about what to remove, thanks for the heads-up slimeypete view
7 2008-10-09 10:32:42 11220 to previous dhcp2046 When I ran the Hardy command it removed networkmanager and a few other bits, so I felt it necessary to add this warning. Wouldn't want a newbie to run the command and end up with no network access... view
6 2008-07-24 17:11:12 10954 to previous localhost   view
5 2008-06-27 10:15:20 10974 to previous localhost converted to 1.6 markup view
4 2008-06-10 01:01:39 10974 to previous yangmei Added kubuntu-kde4-desktop instructions view
3 2008-06-10 00:01:28 10885 to previous yangmei Added Hardy and reordered view
2 2008-04-23 18:44:45 6765 to previous 82-37-240-159 small edit to the documentation in the comments view
1 2007-10-12 21:17:56 6695 82-37-240-159 Page Created view