
A local mirror is useful for a site that has many Ubuntu Servers and Workstations. Apt-cacher is a good way to do this without a massive installation, however, apt-cacher does not allow for much control over what is downloaded and when it is downloaded.

By maintaining an internal mirror, a site can control when updates are grabbed from the Internet. There are two good ways (that I know of) to maintain an internal mirror without using a proxy or apt-cacher.

  1. Use Debmirror - Debmirror will allow you to select which parts of the archive (dapper, edgy, edgy-security, etc) you want to mirror. This is useful because it allows a finer degree of control and works well with limited hard drive space.

  2. Use rsync - The great thing about rsync is it will grab EVERY file that is in those archives. The problem is that because it does not discriminate, you have the full mirror... all 1 TB worth of mirror. So, as more versions come online, the more you will ultimately have to support. As of this writing, my mirror contains hoary, breezy, dapper, edgy, and the packages for the new feisty.

This document will cover the second option and get you on up to speed.

A local mirror might be suggested for sites with 50 or more sites. The use of a mirror in these cases will reduce the amount of bandwidth required for these clients on your end of the link, but also the bandwidth required for Official Mirrors.


Now, on to the instructions

Allocate the necessary space

As of September 2019, the Ubuntu Archive takes up approximately 1 TB of space. The amount of space taken up will probably increase as time, so allocating double the amount of space required should allow for adequate growth without needing a hardware upgrade. In addition, using a large hard drive will help prevent against file fragmentation Using a partition 1 TB or larger is recommended.

Picking a file system can be tricky and is a highly debated subject. XFS has been very successful for the author of this document.

Format your partition, pick a mount point, and add the setup to your fstab.

For the purpose of this document, we will assume that the mount point is /media/mirror and that our archives will be in the folder /media/mirror/ubuntu.

Download the necessary packages

  • rsync is required to build and maintain our mirror.
  • mailx is only required if you want to have your script email you when something goes wrong.

 # apt-get install rsync mailx

Starting the first download

Because we are downloading 600+ Gigabytes from the Internet this download will take a VERY long time. If you can let the download run at full speed for the full gauntlet, more power to you. However, you will probably need to limit the speed of your download so it can download at a reduced speed for the next few days (weeks?).

Make the ubuntu directory

 # mkdir /media/mirror/ubuntu

Now that we have our destination, start the rsync download. We will limit it to 128 KiloBytes per second to keep our sanity during working hours.

 # rsync -a --bwlimit=128 rsync:// /media/mirror/ubuntu

If you want to see the progress of the download, you can add the --progress flag to the command.

NOTE: Even with the --progress flag turned on, rsync may take a very long time before giving any output.  This is normal behavior for a mirror this large.

NOTE: rsync measures bandwidth in Bytes, not bits.  Be careful of this mathematical difference. 

Building the script to keep it up to date

While we are waiting for the initial update, we can build our script to keep the mirror up to date.

Copy and paste the script from to "/usr/local/bin/".

Use Cron to keep the mirror up to date

Official Ubuntu Mirrors are recommended to update their mirrors every 6 hours. In the case of your site, this may not be necessary nor desired. Chances are, you want to update during hours when your bandwidth will be under-utilized: only once every day in the middle of the night.

 # crontab -e

Insert the following line, observing your particular time requirements, into the cron table. This example sets the system to update every night at 9:15 PM.

 15 21 * * * /usr/local/bin/ > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

Publish the mirror on the Apache server

This is the easy part. Assuming that you have Apache configured to follow symbolic links, all you need to do is add a symbolic link to your mirror!

 cd /var/www/
 ln /media/mirror/ubuntu -s

You can test to see if this was successful by using a web browser to visit the site. Goto ubuntumirror.mydomain/ubuntu

You should see some directories named "dists", "indices", "pool", "project", and a file named "ls-lR.gz".

Update Your Clients

Now that you have your very own Ubuntu Mirror, you need to point all of your workstations and servers to this mirror for their updates. This mirror will be good for main, universe, multi-verse, and restricted.

Replace the server name for the Ubuntu Archives with your local mirror. The existing server will likely be something like

If your server is called ubuntumirror.mydomain then your /etc/apt/sources.list file should look something like this

 deb http://ubuntumirror.mydomain/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted
 deb-src http://ubuntumirror.mydomain/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted
 deb http://ubuntumirror.mydomain/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted
 deb-src http://ubuntumirror.mydomain/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted

You can test your mirror by running

 # apt-get update

You should see some output referencing your server, similar to this:

 Get:1 http://ubuntumirror.mydomain feisty Release.gpg [191B]
 Ign http://ubuntumirror.mydomain feisty/main Translation-en_US
 Ign http://ubuntumirror.mydomain feisty/restricted Translation-en_US
 Get:2 http://ubuntumirror.mydomain feisty-updates Release.gpg [191B]
 Ign http://ubuntumirror.mydomain feisty-updates/main Translation-en_US
 Ign http://ubuntumirror.mydomain feisty-updates/restricted Translation-en_US

Extra Credit: Become an Official Mirror

If you are at a site with bandwidth to spare, you may want to consider becoming an official Ubuntu Mirror.

Visit: to view and add mirror

Rsyncmirror (last edited 2020-03-18 17:52:43 by 97-120-111-46)