Technical specifications for Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition
This document is for Ubuntu 9.04. For other releases please visit the technical specifications overview page.
Ubuntu Server Edition is meant to run on any Intel or AMD x86, AMD_64, EM_64T processors. It requires a minimum of 192Mb of RAM and 1Gb of disk space. Depending on your needs, you might manage with less than this. However, most users risk being frustrated if they ignore these suggestions.
You can see a summary of all changes since 8.04.
As a regular release, 9.04 benefits of an 18 month lifecycle.
The following is a selection of the common packages packages that are fully maintained on Ubuntu Server Edition 9.04.
- Default 2.6.28-server Tickless, No Preemption, Deadline I/O, PAE, 100Hz
- JeOS 2.6.28-virtual Stripped down kernel for Virtualization
- Apache 2.2 event/prefork/worker/dev
- Tomcat 6
- MySQL 5 (5.1 in Universe)
- PostgreSQL 8.3
- Dovecot 1.1
- Postfix 2.5
- Exim 4.69
SpamAssassin 3.2
- ClamAV 0.95
- amavisd-new 2.6
- PHP 5.2
- Perl 5.10
- Python 2.6
- Gcc 4.3
- Ruby 4.2
- LTSP 5.1
- Samba 3.3
- OpenLDAP 2.4 (cn=config)
- OpenVPN 2.1
FreeRadius 2.1
- Munin 1.2
- Nagios 3
- Bacula 2.4
- BackupPC 3.1
Package management
- Aptitude 0.4
- APT 0.7
- Dpkg 1.14
AppArmor 2.3
- Iptables 1.4
- ufw 0.27
- Ocfs 2
- Gfs 2
- RH-Cluster 2
- DRBD 8
- KVM 84
- Libvirt 0.6
- Virt-Manager 0.6
- Lvm 2
- aoetools 26
- openiscsi 2.0
Power Management
- Nut 2.4
- pwrkap 7.3