In Ubuntu 10.04LTS Lucid Lynx and newer, there are two primary Jabber servers to use ejabberd and jabberd2.


Ejabberd is a high-performance Jabber/XMPP server, written in erlang. It comes with a built-in web-based management interface.


To install the server and its components, run:

sudo apt-get install ejabberd

After it is installed, you need to edit the configuration file found at /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg.

In the configuration file, you need to add the host name you want the server to use (unless you only want to run on localhost). Change:

{hosts, ["localhost"]}.


{hosts, ["localhost",""]}.

In addition, you need to create an admin user. Change:

{acl, admin, {user, "", "localhost"}}.


{acl, admin, {user, "admin-name", ""}}.

Now, restart the service:

sudo service ejabberd restart

Finally, set the password for your admin user:

sudo ejabberdctl register admin-name password

All set. For any further configuration, you can log in to the web-based management panel. In your web browser, go to and enter the admin username and password. You can get more details on use the web admin page from the ejabberd site

SettingUpJabberServer (last edited 2011-06-16 22:51:37 by 157-157-186-64)