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Installing Ubuntu on a Fujitsu U820 LifeBook

The goal of this page is to help people get Ubuntu running on the Fujitsu U820 and familiarize them with software tools specific to the tablet PC environment.

Hardware and Drivers

GMA 500 Chipset

The graphics chipset drivers need to be installed and properly configured to maximize performance, screen resolution and many other features such as monitor rotation and standby/resume.

Follow directions at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1229345

Touchscreen and Screen Rotate

Jaunty 9.04

The GMA 500 chipset drivers must be configured properly before this topic can be addressed.

Install fjbtndrv: https://launchpad.net/~khnz/+archive/ppa?field.name_filter=fjbtndrv&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=any

Then follow directions at: http://spareinfo.blogspot.com/2009/05/linux-on-u810-p1620-touchscreen-iv.html

Suspend and Resume

Jaunty 9.04

Suspend works out of the box.

Resume appear to work but is not coordinated with the monitor (i.e., the computer resumes but the monitor does not).

Keyboard Lights

Add directions here.

Fingerprint Reader

Add directions here.


Add directions here.


Add directions here.


Nautilus Open Terminal Here

$ sudo aptitude install nautilus-open-terminal

Onscreen keyboard

$ onboard &

Restricted Software

install the ''ubuntu-restricted-extras'' package

VLC Media Player

$ sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-* mozilla-plugin-vlc

R Project for Statistical Computing

Ok, rather specific software. But I use it, so I'm including it.

$ sudo apt-get install r-base-core

Emacs Speaks Statistics:

$ sudo apt-get install ess



U820 (last edited 2017-09-04 22:56:07 by ckimes)