Binary-only applications that were compiled with an earlier libc6 version may be incompatible with a modern ubuntu install. Applications that crash, seg-fault, or exit with an unresolved symbol, but run fine on older linux systems, need an older environment to run.
This HOWTO will walk through how to create a debian environment that was released in 2002, inside your existing ubuntu system without affecting any of your existing applications or libraries.
Which Applications?
I have used this technique to reduce application crashing with sun-jdk-1.4.2, loki-kohan, and loki-tribes2. Applications that were released as binary-only around 2002 are good candidates for running in a chroot debian woody environment.
- chroot requires root access.
- About 128 MB of free disk space in /opt.
- Package debootstrap installed.
$ sudo apt-get install debootstrap
Installing Debian Woody
Install a base debian woody system into the directory /opt/woody
$ sudo debootstrap --arch i386 woody /opt/woody
chroot into the new environment and install some common X11 packages.
$ sudo mount -t proc proc /opt/woody/proc $ sudo mount --bind /tmp /opt/woody/tmp $ sudo mount --bind /dev /opt/woody/dev $ sudo chroot /opt/woody # apt-get install xterm # exit $ sudo umount /opt/woody/proc $ sudo umount /opt/woody/tmp $ sudo umount /opt/woody/dev
Create woody environment script in /usr/local/bin/woody
CHROOT=/opt/woody if test "$(whoami)" = "root" ; then mount -t proc proc $CHROOT/proc mount --bind /tmp $CHROOT/tmp mount --bind /dev $CHROOT/dev mount --bind /usr/local $CHROOT/usr/local mount --bind /home $CHROOT/home mount --bind /opt $CHROOT/opt cp /etc/passwd /etc/group $CHROOT/etc if test "$*" ; then chroot $CHROOT su $SUDO_USER -c "$*" else chroot $CHROOT su $SUDO_USER fi umount -l $CHROOT/proc umount -l $CHROOT/tmp umount -l $CHROOT/dev umount -l $CHROOT/usr/local umount -l $CHROOT/home umount -l $CHROOT/opt else gksudo "$0 $*" fi
Make it executable.
$ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/woody
Applications can now be run in the debian woody environment by prefixing their launch command with "woody ".
Here is the contents of a kohan start script that is saved in /usr/local/bin/kohan (it must also be executable).
woody /usr/local/games/kohan/kohan $*