Help with testing and critical comments - reply at
Please write your test results and comments as a reply in the thread Howto make USB boot drives at the Ubuntu Forums.
Please test that it works as expected, looking for
- bugs
- things that can be misunderstood
- things that are not user friendly
New ways for mkusb to work
The release candidate in the PPA ppa:mkusb/unstable has basically only added eye candy for the old way to work, that was there in the text mode version. Is it enough, or must there be new ways to work to make it work for new users?
Starting mkusb
Is it OK to run mkusb as a command line tool, where the input file is entered as parameter #1 (the source of the cloning, where the target is the USB drive)?
I found the answer 'No' ... at least many newcomers from Windows or MacOS want menus for as much as possible. |
mkusb path/input.iso
mkusb mini.iso
Or is it important, that I add an outer layer, with a menu tool to select input file (iso file or compressed image file)?
I found the answer 'Yes', and developed graphical user interface for this purpose |
Start via dash in standard Ubuntu
or via Menu -- System -- mkusb in the other Ubuntu flavours (Kubuntu, Lubuntu ... Xubuntu).
Installing mkusb
Now mkusb can be installed via PPA.
- Is the installation via PPA (according to these wiki pages) easy enough?
- Is it important that mkusb is made available from the menu/dash automatically in the installation process?
- Is updating and upgrading to new versions working correctly?
- ...