Screenshots of mkusb version 8 and 9
Search for mkusb in Unity's dash
Small splash window, which also checks that the graphical environment and tools work (that zenity can display windows)
The old Welcome and warning
A gentler Welcome window
Examples of using the desktop file mkusb.desktop in Kubuntu
The mkusb icon / logo in the top left corner is a clickable symbol of the desktop file
- a small login window, black text on green background, matching the mkusb icon
- a small splash with mkusb icon which also tests if zenity works in the current environment (at the cursor)
- The mkusb console to receive and display output from the processes under the hood
- Classical welcome and warning screen
- and editor window displaying the desktop file. The Exec line is complicated in order to control the the login window and the console. This window is not showing the final version. The end of the command should be
'echo Welcome; sudo -H mkusb'"
instead of
\"echo 'Welcome to mkusb'; sudo -H mkusb\""
because the escaped quotes \" do not work in all environments I tried.
- The update iso image is warning with a red screen by zenity - the arrow helps the user find the check box
- The confirming screen after normal (successful) termination - the process output to the console is visible
- The zenity windows can be moved, if they cover the console
- File selection tool by zenity
- The final warning red screen at normal installations and wiping - the arrow helps the user find the check box
- The confirming screen after normal (successful) termination - the process output to the console is visible
- The zenity windows can be moved, if they cover the console
Examples of using the desktop file mkusb.desktop in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
How to install mkusb in Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
Getting the repository Universe
These screenshots show how to install Synaptic or some other program in order to install the repository (alias source) Universe
All these steps in the graphical desktop environment can be replaced by one single line in a terminal window or text screen
sudo add-apt-repository universe
Installing mkusb
The fastest way to start making USB boot drives is to install the mkusb PPA, install and update the mkusb package like all the other program packages. See this link
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mkusb/ppa # and press Enter to accept it sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mkusb
The whole dialogue in a terminal window is shown in the attached pdf file. It will install pv (alongside mkusb), if you have previously installed Synaptic or some other program in order to install the repository (alias source) Universe
Screenshots of mkusb-nox - the updated pure text version
Making a USB drive with Ubuntu mini.iso
The Ubuntu mini.iso can install Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server, or one of the Ubuntu flavours
Making a USB drive to install Windows
Screenshots of mkusb version 9
Search for mkusb in Unity's dash
Search for mkusb in Mageia Gnome
Installing Lubuntu Utopic - final warning
Installing Lubuntu Utopic from Lubuntu Utopic - work done
Running in Knoppix - installed and tested from
Running in Mageia Gnome - installed and tested from
The zenity window does not expand the list-box properly in Mageia Gnome
Cleaner interface for Mageia in mkusb 9.0.4
Screenshots of Torios
Installing with the One Button Installer
Installing with mkusb version 8.5.4
Screenshots of mkusb version 9 - continued
In Xubuntu
In Debian
In Bodhi
A whole sequence of windows in Xubuntu
First time
Installing again alias iso testing
Wiping the first megabyte (actually mibibyte with base 2)
(A new menu with several more alternatives was added in mkusb version 10.2)
Wiping the whole device
sudo -H mkusb wipe-whole-device ... Please wait for sync (flushing file system buffers to the device) until 'Done' is written ... dd: writing `/dev/sdd': No space left on device 3.73GB 0:13:10 [4.83MB/s] [ <=> ] ...
Warning and overview - improved
- Two previous windows are merged to one, which improves the work-flow.
- The text "Please close any other application/software/terminal ..." is improved.
- It must be clear, that this is only a warning and overview, and you should select drive at the next window. So "Select drive in the next window" is written on the OK button (instead of "OK").
mkusb with window-icon in Lubuntu Utopic, Trusty, Wily
Zenity version 3.12.1 can use custom icons, which is used for the menu list windows of mkusb. The icon is also displayed on the panel, if it displays icons.
Improved look and feel of mkusb 9.2.2 and mkusb 10
The 'look and feel' of mkusb is improved:
- [sudo] password entered via zenity window
- licence text in About
- Improved look and feel:
- language
gentler warning texts, for example: FINAL WARNING --> Final checkpoint
- text style and colour scheme
- gentler high-lightning of text
- inline editing of background colours of the final checkpoints (separate for standard installations and iso-testing)
- language
[sudo] password entered via zenity window
A gentler Welcome window
Legacy used when zenity is not compiled with support for html
Standard background colour of the final checkpoint
Legacy used when zenity is not compiled with support for html
Alternative background colours
Standard background colour for the final checkpoint of ISO testing
The following screenshots illustrate how to edit the background colours of the final checkpoints.
mkusb 10 - live with persistence
Running Lubuntu - installing Lubuntu and Ubuntu MATE
zenity is still the graphical user interface. It works like before and looks almost the same. You are able to toggle live only or persistent live, when your input file is an ISO file.
The background colour was changed to orange, '#de8c20'.
When you have started along the persistent path, some warnings may pop up and finally you are prompted to select the percentage of the remaining drive space for persistence. The rest of the drive space is used for storage compatible with Windows. In this example 67% (approximately 2/3) is selected for persistence.
Finally, there is a message that the system is installed.
Check the 'mkusb console' before you exit from mkusb. Notice that the ext4 'casper-rw' partition for persistence is approximately 2/3 of the [remaining] drive space and the vfat partition 'lub1404232' is approximately 1/3 of that space, while the iso9660 partition is quite small.
The following picture shows the installed system, the persistent live Lubuntu booted from the USB pendrive. The output from
sudo lsblk -fm # and df -h
confirms that it is a persistent live system.
After scrolling to the top the console window can look like this (after installing Ubuntu MATE from Lubuntu into a pendrive that contained Xubuntu before)
mkusb 10.1 looks cleaner, here illustrated with LXLE
mkusb looks cleaner: The console output is redirected to ~/mkusb.log (and can be viewed 'afterwards').
Wipe menu added in mkusb version 10.2
'mkusb-legacy' because zenity was not compiled with support for html in Ubuntu Wily.
mkusb 10.3 with GPT and NTFS can manage huge partitions ( > 2 TB )
A huge common data partition seen from Windows
The partition table seen from Ubuntu Wily (with a 4 TB hard disk drive).
A big but not huge partition table seen with gparted and a terminal window from Lubuntu Wily
mkusb 10.4
- modified method to make persistent live drives using
- either data from the source iso file (the new method)
- function menuentry_1
- function select_boot_system
- or data from usb-pack_efi.tar.gz (the old method) to boot
- either data from the source iso file (the new method)
It is now possible to select any file-name '*' for the source file, but later on there is a warning and a tip, "There should be an extension, and the extension should be written with lower-case letters, 'File.iso' or 'file.img' or 'File.img.gz' or 'file.img.xz'".
mkusb 12
Quick start manual
Quick start manual version 12 alias dus, ../mkUSB-quick-start-manual-12.pdf
Cloning, live linux, windows / Persistent live
Elementary OS
Windows can see usbdata of persistent live drive by mkusb
See more details about mkusb version 12 alias mkusb-dus at this link, ../12