Diff for "CategoryApplications"

Differences between revisions 6 and 11 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2008-07-23 11:26:31
Size: 696
Editor: cpe
Comment: added 'CategoryApplicationsCleanup '
Revision 11 as of 2011-04-04 00:31:08
Size: 1279
Editor: D9784B24
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#format wiki
#language en
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This category is for documentation about applications which run on Ubuntu ||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size:0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;"><<TableOfContents>>||
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To add a page to this category, add a link to this page on the last line of the page. You can add multiple categories to a page. = Introduction =
This page contains a list of all pages in this category and all pages with this category's name in their titles.
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'''List of pages in this category:''' = List of pages in CategoryApplications =
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<<FullSearch(CategoryApplications)>> = List of pages with "Applications" in the Title =
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= See also =
 * [[Applications/ProjectHome]]
 * [[CategoryApplicationsCleanup]]
= Add pages to this Category =
[[HelpOnCategories|Categories]] are an important way of organizing this wiki. All categories are listed [[CategoryCategory|here]]. Please add categories to pages when they are missing.
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= Your Feedback =
2008-07-23, Duncan Lithgow said: I've created a project page to use for discussion on improving pages like this one: [[Applications/ProjectHome|Application Documentation Project]]
To add a page to this category, do not edit this page. Edit the page that belongs in this category. Add the category name under four dashes on the last line of the page. To add a page to more than one category, list the category names on one line, separating each from the one before it with a space.

  * Example of adding a page to a category:

  * Example of adding a page to more than one category:
Category1 Category2
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CategoryCategory CategoryDocumentation CategoryCategory


Content Cleanup Required
This article should be cleaned-up to follow the content standards in the Wiki Guide. More info...


Style Cleanup Required
This article does not follow the style standards in the Wiki Guide. More info...


Needs Expansion
This article is incomplete, and needs to be expanded. More info...


This page contains a list of all pages in this category and all pages with this category's name in their titles.

List of pages in CategoryApplications

List of pages with "Applications" in the Title

  1. 16.xx/Applications
  2. AccessoriesApplications
  3. Applications
  4. Applications (package.zip)
  5. Applications/NavigationMenu
  6. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-accessories.png)
  7. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-development.png)
  8. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-education.png)
  9. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-games.png)
  10. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-graphics.png)
  11. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-internet.png)
  12. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-multimedia.png)
  13. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-office.png)
  14. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-other.png)
  15. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-science.png)
  16. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-serversweb.png)
  17. Applications/NavigationMenu (applications-system.png)
  18. CategoryApplications
  19. CategoryGraphicsApplications
  20. ChangingAndSettingTheFontColourInTaskbarApplications
  21. EducationApplications
  22. Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 (002-Installer-ShowApplications.png)
  23. Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 (003-Installer-ShowApplications-Terminal.png)
  24. GraphicsApplications
  25. GraphicsApplications (dia.png)
  26. GraphicsApplications (eog.jpg)
  27. GraphicsApplications (evince.png)
  28. GraphicsApplications (fspot.jpg)
  29. GraphicsApplications (gThumb.png)
  30. GraphicsApplications (gimp.jpg)
  31. GraphicsApplications (info.png)
  32. GraphicsApplications (inkscape.png)
  33. GraphicsApplications (scribus.png)
  34. InternetApplications
  35. Lubuntu/Applications
  36. MultimediaApplications
  37. MultimediaApplications (amarok-1.png)
  38. MultimediaApplications (amarok2.png)
  39. MultimediaApplications (aqualung.png)
  40. MultimediaApplications (aqualungsmall.png)
  41. MultimediaApplications (beepmediaplayer.png)
  42. MultimediaApplications (cdplayer.png)
  43. MultimediaApplications (decibelsmall.png)
  44. MultimediaApplications (exaile_screenshot.png)
  45. MultimediaApplications (gxine-1.png)
  46. MultimediaApplications (gxine-small.png)
  47. MultimediaApplications (gxine.png)
  48. MultimediaApplications (k3b.png)
  49. MultimediaApplications (kaffeine.png)
  50. MultimediaApplications (mplayer-1.png)
  51. MultimediaApplications (muine.png)
  52. MultimediaApplications (rb-sm.png)
  53. MultimediaApplications (rhythmbox-1.png)
  54. MultimediaApplications (rhythmbox-podcast.png)
  55. MultimediaApplications (rhythmbox.png)
  56. MultimediaApplications (serpentine-1.png)
  57. MultimediaApplications (soundjuicer-1.png)
  58. MultimediaApplications (soundjuicer-small.png)
  59. MultimediaApplications (soundjuicer.png)
  60. MultimediaApplications (soundrecorder-1.png)
  61. MultimediaApplications (soundrecorder.png)
  62. MultimediaApplications (streamtuner-1.png)
  63. MultimediaApplications (streamtuner.png)
  64. MultimediaApplications (totem-1.png)
  65. MultimediaApplications (totem-small.png)
  66. MultimediaApplications (totem.png)
  67. MultimediaApplications (vlc-1.png)
  68. MultimediaApplications (vlc-2.png)
  69. MultimediaApplications (vlc.png)
  70. MultimediaApplications (xine2.png)
  71. OfficeApplications
  72. OfficeApplications (abiword.png)
  73. OfficeApplications (gLabels_Dapper.png)
  74. OfficeApplications (gnumeric.png)
  75. OfficeApplications (oo-base.png)
  76. OfficeApplications (oo-calc.png)
  77. OfficeApplications (oo-draw.png)
  78. OfficeApplications (oo-impress.png)
  79. OfficeApplications (oo-writer.png)
  80. OfficeApplications (scribus.png)
  81. OfficeApplications/DefaultPackages
  82. OfficeApplications/DefaultPackages (oo-base-small.png)
  83. OfficeApplications/DefaultPackages (oo-calc-small.png)
  84. OfficeApplications/DefaultPackages (oo-draw-small.png)
  85. OfficeApplications/DefaultPackages (oo-impress_small.png)
  86. OfficeApplications/DefaultPackages (oo-writer-small.png)
  87. OfficeApplications/ExtraPackages
  88. OfficeApplications/ExtraPackages (PDFCompressionScript.png)
  89. OfficeApplications/ExtraPackages (PDFShuffler.jpg)
  90. OfficeApplications/ExtraPackages (PDFedit.png)
  91. OfficeApplications/ExtraPackages (abiword_small.png)
  92. OfficeApplications/ExtraPackages (gLabels-small.png)
  93. OfficeApplications/ExtraPackages (gnumeric-small.png)
  94. OfficeApplications/ExtraPackages (scribus-small.png)
  95. ProductivityApplications
  96. RecommendedApplications
  97. ScienceApplications
  98. ShowHiddenStartupApplications
  99. SupportedApplications
  100. UbuntuStudio/Applications
  101. WikiCourse/51 Applications
  102. WindowsApplicationsEquivalents

Add pages to this Category

Categories are an important way of organizing this wiki. All categories are listed here. Please add categories to pages when they are missing.

To add a page to this category, do not edit this page. Edit the page that belongs in this category. Add the category name under four dashes on the last line of the page. To add a page to more than one category, list the category names on one line, separating each from the one before it with a space.

  • Example of adding a page to a category:
  • Example of adding a page to more than one category:
    Category1 Category2


CategoryApplications (last edited 2015-12-09 13:03:59 by 180)