Independent guides
These guides are independently maintained. Much of their content is included in the Ubuntu community help pages, but newer material in these guides may not be.
* Ubuntuguide - Comprehensive guide for Ubuntu, since 2005.
* Kubuntuguide - Comprehensive guide for Kubuntu, since 2007.
* Ubuntu Geek - a wealth of information, but in blog format
* OMG! Ubuntu - news, tips, and reviews in blog format
* Psychocats' Ubuntu GNU/Linux Resources - a collection of random tutorials for Ubuntu
* Ubuntu Sharing - tips in blog format
* The Owlcroft Ubuntu Help & Advice Pages - from choosing through maintaining
* The GNU/Linux Documentation Project Guides
* Interactive map of GNU/Linux kernel
* How do I pre-install Ubuntu for someone else (= OEM install)?
* GNU/Linux Distribution Timeline
* O'Reilly Ubuntu Hacks (March 2008)
* LPI Training Materials and Practice testing engines
* The Ubuntu Full Circle on line magazine
* An Introduction-Overview of Unity in Ubuntu 12.04 for Beginners (Video)
* Cheat Sheet containing most commonly used commands in GNU/Linux
* 60 Linux commands for newbies and system administrators
* FreeDesktop - Official X.Org compose key sequences. Use this as reference to FreeDesktop (used as the default in many systems).
* DMOZ FAQs, Help, and Tutorials -- open source directory of wikis and help guides for Ubuntu
* Explain Shell breaks down Linux commands so you can understand them better
* is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again.
* Steve Parker's Bourne / Bash shell scripting tutorial
* Introduction to GNU/Linux - LinuxFoundationX
* Compose Key Sequences - Compose Key Sequences
* Download Ubuntu releases here
Free guides and free manuals for GNU/Linux beginners
* Linux Command Cheat Sheet For 2022
* Glossary of open-source terminology
* GNU/Linux Guide/merge/ GNU/Linux For Newbies/Command Line
* GNU/Linux Guide/ GNU/Linux commands
* Using apt Commands in GNU/Linux
* Explain Shell breaks down Linux commands so you can understand them better
* Around 26 pages: The Cathedral and the Bazaar - Eric S. Raymond
* Around 32 pages - - Courtney Loo
* Around 161 pages: The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide - Alistair Ross
* Around 208 pages: Introduction to the Command Line - Free Software Foundation
* Around 303 pages: After the Software Wars - Keith Curtis
* Around 396 pages: Two Bits - The cultural significance of free software - by Christopher M. Kelty
* Around 522 pages: The GNU/Linux Command Line - William E. Shotts, Jr. - EXCELLENT GUIDE
Free books for advanced GNU/Linux system administrators
* Around 329 pages: GNU/Linux From Scratch PDF - by Gerard Beekmans
* Around 365 pages: Linux Fundamentals, written by Paul Cobbaut, a very experienced trainer
* Around 385 pages: Linux System Administration, written by Paul Cobbaut, a very experienced trainer
* Around 549 pages - The Art of Unix Programming by Eric Steven Raymond
* Around 720 pages: Beyond GNU/Linux From Scratch, written by BLFS Development Team
Paperback (Not free)
* Around 928 pages: Linux Bible Paperback – Illustrated, 8 Jun. 2020 - Christopher Negus
* Around 752 pages: Ubuntu Linux Unleashed 2021 Edition 14th Edition - Matthew Helmke
* Around 392 pages: How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know (Paperback) - Brian Ward
GNU/Linux software equivalent to Windows software
* Use search bar in top right corner of website
* GNU/Linux software equivalent to Windows software
* List of free and open-source software packages
Hardware database showing which hardware components work in GNU/Linux
* H-node