MacBook 2,1 and Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
This page aims to describe the steps needed, to fully enable all features of the 2nd Generation MacBook 2,1 (release date: late 2006, mid 2007) when using Ubuntu 10.04, Lucid Lynx.
You can find out, what model you have by typing at the terminal:
sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name
If you have a different model, please go here and find the right wiki.
Anything not mentioned here probably already works out of the box. If not, please refer to the Ubuntu Apple Users forum.
Support status
Suspend & Hibernate
Desktop Effects (Compiz)
Keyboard functions (Brightness,volume,...)
CD/DVD Writing
External Monitor
Wireless (AirPort)
Touchpad (appletouch)
Apple USB 56K Modem
Apple Remote Control
(works out-of-the-box)
(works, with remarks)
(needs manual install)
(won't work)
(not yet documented)
Basic Installation Instructions
Common things about installing and maintaining Ubuntu on Intel-based Macs: Intel CPU-based Macintosh Generic Installation Instructions
External Speakers
External speakers don't work by default because they are muted.
Install gnome-alsamixer
sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer
Open the mixer from Applications > Sound & Video > GNOME ALSA Mixer and unmute the speaker in the third column.
Wireless (AirPort)
Suspend/Hibernate/Power Management
You might find that upower crashes. The fix is to add 'upower' as a Startup Application command.
This affects Suspend/Hibernate functionality in that the computer will not recognize that the battery has reached a critically low level, ignoring any Suspend or Hibernate rule set in the Power Management Preferences.
Follow AppleiSight.
Touchpad (appletouch)
Out of the box, 2 finger tap does right click (contextual menu), and 3 finger tap does a middle click. To have left-middle-right clicks with 1-2-3 finger tap, install synclient, and reorder the allocation:
synclient TapButton2=2 TapButton3=3 synclient ClickFinger2=2 ClickFinger3=3
Apple Remote Control
Works out of the box. Treat like macmini.
sudo apt-get install lirc #test with irw
NB the keycodes are very different from what you find in forum threads on the web! ie MENU and not KEY_MENU. So keep this in mind when writing your .lircrc
Bluetooth seems to work. After pairing a GPS mouse, you might have to check this page (in german) to make the binding stick:
External Monitor
Function Keys
Just unmute it.