MacBook 4,1 and Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty)
You can find out, what model you have by typing at the terminal:
sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name
If you have a different model, please go here and find the right wiki.
Anything not mentioned here probably already works out of the box. If not, please refer to the Ubuntu Apple Users forum.
Support status
Wireless (AirPort)
Desktop Effects (Unity)
Touchpad (appletouch)
Keyboard functions (Brightness,volume,...)
Suspend & Hibernate
CD/DVD Writing
External Monitor
Apple USB 56K Modem
Apple Remote Control
(works out-of-the-box)
(works, with remarks)
(needs manual install)
(won't work)
(not yet documented)
Basic Installation Instructions
Common things about installing and maintaining Ubuntu on Intel-based Macs: Intel CPU-based Macintosh Generic Installation Instructions, but remember that rEFIT supports this MacBook only from 0.12.
Wireless (AirPort)
To enable wireless you need to install the restricted Broadcom STA driver.
Open and choose Broadcom STA in:
Applications -> System -> Additional Drivers
if you already chose to install restricted software during Ubuntu's installation, the wireless card is automatically working.
Desktop Effects (Unity)
Works out the box
Left-click, right-click (two finger)use and basic trackpad work out of the box.
To enable two finger scrolling and tap to click:
Applications -> Themes & Tweaks -> Mouse -> Touchpad
Fill in circle for Two-finger scrolling and if you want horizontal scrolling check that box as well.
According to this thread Macbook hotter in linux than in OSX Macbooks running Ubuntu get hotter than in OS X. Swedishwings (Fan control for mactel-support repo) has created the following solution (from the Mactel PPA repository Mactel PPA repository):
sudo apt-get install macfanctld
Stereo sound works out of the box.
Optical Audio Output
Optical Audio Oputput is always on. If you look INTO the headphone jack-hole, you'll see a red light.
To disable it, run 'alsamixer' in a terminal. There should be a switch called S/PDIF that you can turn off, press m to mute.
To save the profile:
$ sudo alsactl store
To restore the profile:
$ sudo alsactl restore
As highlighted on this thread Volume problems we will need to launch restore command on startup.
Open and choose 'Add' in:
System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications
Then enter the following details for each field:
Name: alsactl
Command: alsactl restore
Comment: fix for pulse
Click 'Save'.
Suspend works out of the box, lifting the clamshell does auto-wake.
Hibernate not tested Hibernate does not work in comination with rEFIt (or at all?), because the resume code doesn't get triggerd and it boots normal.
Remote Control
Install gnome-lirc-properties:
sudo apt-get install gnome-lirc-properties
gnome-lirc-properties will give you an entry "Infrared Remote Control" in menu System > Administration. After launching this it will guide you through the configuration. Tested with remote model No A1156 (Apple remote): gnome-lirc-properties detects the signals (with some models the Enter button is detected as an additional Play button). Although this seems to work, the remote does not actually control any applications, like the Totem Movie Player - more testing is required. Could be that the key-binding are incorrect
works fine out-of-the-box
Works out the box. Bug in natty prevents Bluetooth Preferences form display correctly need to enter
sudo killall bluetoothd sudo bluetoothd
then prefences will display options properly.
External Monitor
Works out of the box.
The iSight webcam is internally connected to the USB bus. It only works if the operating system loads it with a so called firmware. A binary file containing the firmware can be extracted from the OS X installation (or retrieved online). See for details, do read with care.
You can test iSight with for example "cheese".