Kubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 LTS Upgrade
For upgrading from the most recent LTS release see PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu/10.04LTS.
You will need to:
- update your system to the latest 11.10 packages
- reboot
- run the release upgrade tool when notified
Upgrade to Kubuntu 12.04 LTS
1) Press Alt-F2 and type muon-updater
2) Click Install updates
3) Ensure all the updates get installed
4) Reboot your computer
5) After rebooting you should be notified that a new version of Kubuntu is available, click the gear icon
6) Enter your password
7) The upgrade tool will start
8) It will confirm if you want to start the upgrade
9) It will download and install the new release, have some coffee
10) It may ask about conf file changes, click Replace to upgrade
11) It will ask to confirm removing obsolete packages, click Remove.
12) The last step of the entire process is to go ahead and reboot your machine.
Welcome to Kubuntu 12.04 LTS
If everything went smoothly after the upgrade and the reboot, your desktop should look like the following:
If you didn't get notified that and update was available. Check that muon-updater is set to receive "normal" updates.