This is the Supported Applications section of the Applications Guide. Use the links on the navigation menu to the left to find references and links to all the applications available for Ubuntu 8.04 from the Main repository. All the applications are supported by Canonical (the commercial backer of Ubuntu). For applications already installed by default see the Default Application Guide and the official Ubuntu 8.04 documentation.
Additional software and help
The easiest way to browse and install additional software tools is through the Add/Remove... tool, which is found in the main Applications menu. After starting Add/Remove..., simply select a section from the list to the left hand column. For more general information on installing software, see InstallingSoftware. For more general help go to 'System > Help and Support' or visit the Official Documentation for Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.
See also
A users look at the repositories and their differences.
Canonical's description of the repositories and their differences.
External links
"Application/Software Management in Ubuntu" at the Ubuntu Geek website.
"Package classification and support in Ubuntu" at Wikipedia.