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This page is to document the procedure for a fresh installation of Ubuntu Studio from the DVD. See Ubuntu Studio Upgrade from Ubuntu if you wish to "upgrade" an existing Ubuntu installation to Ubuntu Studio.
Ubuntu Studio DVD
Before installation can begin you will need to download and burn the Ubuntu Studio ISO image to a DVD.
Ubuntu Studio ISO Image
Download the Ubuntu Studio ISO image from here (look for the latest version and under /release). Please use the torrent if possible to avoid overloading the Canonical servers (especially during releases). See the BitTorrent page for more information.
Burn the ISO to DVD
Here is a good starting point for information about burning ISO images. It includes both Ubuntu and Windows methods.
Installing Ubuntu Studio
Now we will discuss the steps required for a fresh installation of Ubuntu Studio from the DVD.
After burning the Ubuntu Studio installation DVD, place it in the DVD drive and reboot the machine. Your computer should boot from the DVD, if it does not you will need to adjust your BIOS to boot from the DVD/CD drive before the hard drive (which is not in the scope of this article).
Once it boots you will need to choose the installation language.
Next you will be presented with a menu for the installation DVD. There are various options in this menu, but for the scope of this article we will choose the first option, "Install Ubuntu Studio".
This may be slightly confusing, but now you will need to choose the installed language for Ubuntu Studio. This will be the language not for the installation but the language used when running Ubuntu Studio.
First choose your language and then choose your location.
If you choose "other" for location then you may also need to designate your "continent or region" and "country, territory or area".
The next step is to determine the layout of the keyboard you have by allowing the installer to detect it or by selecting it from a list.
Selecting "Yes" will choose to have the installer detect your keyboard layout. You will be required to type on your keyboard as the installer attempts to determines your keyboard layout.
If it does not detect it correctly you can type more keys until it determines correctly.
If "No" is selected you are present with a list and can choose origin of the keyboard first, followed by keyboard layout for that origin.
Note that the tab key moves your cursor around the available selections, the space bar will highlight a given selection and the Enter key will choose your highlighted selection.
Scanning CD-ROM
The installing with detect hardware and then scan the CD-ROM. There is no user input for this part of the installation.
Scanning the CD-ROM may take some time.
Network Configure
- enter a hostname
- setting up the clock
- choose your time zone
Be careful in this section! Be sure to back up important data!
- installer with detect all hard drives
- starting up the partioner
- select partitioning method
- select disk to partition
- computing the new partitions
- confirm writing changes to disk
- formatting begins
Installing the Base System
This may take a long time, especially if your are installing in VM.
User and Password
- enter full name for new user
- enter user name for account
- enter password
- confirm password
Encrypt Home Directory
- select yes or no
Configuring APT
- scanning the CD-ROM
- enter proxy information or leave blank for none (default)
- retrieving files (this may take some time, especially in VM)
Software Selection
Choose application suites you want to install.
- Choose which software you want installed.
- 2D/3D graphics
- Audio
- effect plugins
- video
- installing software (this may take some time, especially in VM)
Installation Complete
- set system clock to UTC?
<Continue> to restart computer
- remove DVD when tray opens and hit Enter key