Candidate for moving: This page should be moved to Applications/OtherApplications
Other applications
- installed by default in Ubuntu
- installed by default in Kubuntu
- installed by default in Edubuntu
- Main (officially supported) Ubuntu repository, not installed by default
- Universe (community maintained) repository
- Multiverse (non-free) repository
Those installed by default are in Main (officially supported) Ubuntu repository. For information about the Ubuntu repositories see Repositories. Clicking on the icon next a program should take you to information about the Ubuntu package.
BIKA - A laboratory information management system (LIMS) built on top of Zope and Plone, and coded in Python.
- A curve fitting and data analysis program, specialized in peak fitting.
Bumblebee - A system for managing instruments and other resources (e.g. analytical equipment) that must be shared between a number of users.
- "g3data is used for extracting data from graphs. In publications graphs often are included, but the actual data is missing. g3data makes the extracting process much easier."
Fortran Compilers
Intel Fortran Compiler 9.0 for noncommercial, nonacademic use. Please respect the license agreements. A step by step installation guide can be found here: (Post by Chickenmonger)
- The GNU Fortran 95 compiler.
g95 - The goal of the g95 project is to create a free, open source Fortran 95 compiler and runtime libraries.
Plotting Tools
- A powerful 2D and 3D scientific plotting library with C, C++, Fortran, Java, Python, Perl, Octave, and Tcl interfaces. Device plugins include X, wxWidgets, Gnome Canvas Widget, and Tk GUIs as well as PostScript, PNG, JPEG, and GIF file devices.
- A command-line driven 2D/3D plotting tool. Can perform data fitting and exports to PNG, PS, Xfig, and LaTeX formats. Has python bindings (python-gnuplot) for including in other programs or scripts.
- A minimal GNOME front end to GNUPlot.
- A 2D WYSIWYG plotting tool that exports to JPEG, PNG, EPS, PDF, and SVG. Also does curve fitting.
- Fortran- or C-callable graphics subroutine package for making scientific graphs.
- RLPlot is a GUI based program for displaying scientific data in standard formats. It has full support for all error-bar types and it has greater flexibility with displaying colour and texture in charts than gnuplot (filled bar chart boxes are possible without any additional programs). Output is generated on the X display here further changes can be made to the graph using point and click methods. Images can be exported as scalable vector graphics (SVG) as well as EPS, WMF and TIFF formats.
Graphics Layout Engine - GLE is a full featured scripting language that includes variables, subroutines, logic control, looping, a graphing tool, and more to produce high quality output. It has a full range of facilities for producing publication-quality graphs, diagrams, posters and slides. GLE provides LaTeX quality fonts together with a flexible graphics module, which allows the user to specify any feature of a graph (down to the line width of the subticks, for example). Complex pictures can be drawn with user-defined subroutines and simple looping structures. Essentially, GLE is a scripting language and if you are used to writing software, using LaTeX, or any other non-WYSIWYG tools, then you will enjoy using GLE. An autopackage is also available.
- A scientific application for data analysis and technical graphics. Attempts to be a "Microcal Origin" clone.
- A 2D/3D, Qt based plotting tool that attempts to be another "Origin" clone.
- Another Qt based 2D/3D GUI plotting tool that also does curve fitting, supports many data formats, LaTeX labeling, GSL functions, and statistics.
Veusz - A scientific plotting package written in Python.
- A scientific graphics language.
- a cross platform 2d plotting library for Python.
- Python graphics package for the creation of Postscript and PDF files - useful for graphing.
- An easy to use scientific data visualizer.
Paraview - An application designed with the need to visualize large data sets in mind.
- A plotting and data viewing program.
- A simple function graph plotter (graphic calculator), in Python and GTK. Ubuntu .deb available.
Zhu3D - Interactive 3D plotting program using OpenGL.
Plot Digitizers
Plot Digitizer - A Java program used to digitize scanned plots of functional data.
- A program for extracting data from graphs.
Engauge Digitizer
- a Qt-based system including zoom and curve-tracing functionality, apparently (it seemed a little unintuitive on my first play with it).
Image Processing Tools
Vector Drawing Tools
- A diagram and figure creation tool. Can import GIF, JPEG, and EPS figures and can export to Postscript, LaTeX, and bitmap files.
- An excellent vector drawing package. Especially useful for creating and annotating existing Postscript figures. Numerous plugins are available, most notably a LaTeX plugin. Can import many different formats.
- Another excellent Postscript drawing program. Most suitable for black and white Postscript figures.
- Excellent vector drawing program. Uses SVG format by default, but can write to EPS, PDF and LaTeX with PSTricks macros, among other formats.
Textext Inkscape extension to add editable LaTeX text objects to a document
- A "Visio" like diagram tool. Especially useful for simple circuits and flowcharts.
- A drawing editor for creating figures in PDF or (encapsulated) Postscript format. Incorporates LaTeX code quite well.
jPicEdt - Java based drawing program which can generate LaTeX, eepic and pstricks code from a user-friendly graphical interface.
LaTeXDraw - Java based drawing program which can generate and edit pstricks code for LaTeX.
Word Processing Tools
- WYGIWYW (What You Get Is What You Want) text mark up system. What scientists in several fields (e.g., physics, mathematics) write papers with. LaTeX
- A WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) LaTeX frontend. LyX
- A LaTeX-frontend for KDE, with support for syntax highlighting and convenient palettes for all standard mathematical symbols and text formatting. It also provides easy access to forward and inverse search facilities.
ekee - Allows you to write equations in LaTeX and drag and drop them into other applications.
OOoLatex - A set of OpenOffice macros designed to integrate LaTeX equations.
- An XML editor, to create DocBook or similar formats.
Pytexipng - A LaTeX formula converter to png images using a nice GTK GUI. Pytexipng can convert a LaTeX formula into a png image file that can be used on any WYSIWYG word processor application as Writer, Abiword or KWord.
- A WYSIWYG scientific text editor.
- (almost) turns Emacs into a WYSIWYG-LaTeX-frontend.
, tth
and hevea
for converting LaTeX to html. - A small Pidgin (see Pidgin) plugin that allows you to insert LaTeX formulas into IM conversations.
MiktexPackageManager - is used to install TeX packages from a MiKTeX package repository. Can be used with other TeX systems. It is similar to apt-get for LaTeX. MiKTeX Tools
Ubuntu Packages: TeX Section
Bibliographic Tools
- A program and file format for bibliographies in LaTeX documents.
- A tool for managing bibliographic databases. Pybliographer is the graphical interface.
- A Java-based BibTeX bibliography manager that can be used in conjunction with LyX.
- A BibTeX editor for KDE.
Bibus - Bibus is a bibliographic database. Bibus works with 2.0. Bibus
Bibutils - Collection of command line tools for bibliography format convertion. Format examples: BiBTeX, RIS, EndNote, COPAC, ISI, PubMed...
- Referencer is a Gnome application to organize documents or references, and ultimately generate a BibTeX bibliography file. Features include: Automatic metadata retrieval; smart web links; import from BibTeX, Reference Manager and EndNote; tagging.
- A KDE application for organizing your collections. It allows to add special tags to entries, and sort entries along any field (author, year, keywords, etc.).
- A Gnome application for organizing your book collections. It allows to sort entries along any field (author, year, etc.), and to retrieve book information from Internet.
cb2Bib - The cb2Bib is a tool for rapidly extracting unformatted, or unstandardized, bibliographic references from email alerts, journal Web pages, and PDF files.
- The cb2Bib reads the clipboard text contents and process it against a set of predefined patterns. If this automatic detection is successful, cb2Bib formats the clipboard data according to the structured BibTeX reference standard.
- Otherwise, if no predefined format pattern is found or if detection proves to be difficult, manual data extraction is greatly simplified by cb2Bib. In most cases, such manual data extraction will provide with a new, personalized pattern to be included within the predefined pattern set for future automatic extractions.
- Once the bibliographic reference is correctly extracted, it is added to a specified BibTeX database file. Optionally, article PDF files, if available, are renamed to its citeID and moved to a desired directory as a personal article library.
Distributed Computing
openmosix - Turns a network of ordinary computers into a supercomputer.
- A software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
- Projects include:, Einstein@Home, LHC@home, Predictor@home, SETI@home.
the Grid@CERN - From the people who brought you the world wide web, a service for sharing computer power and data storage which aims ultimately to turn the global network of computers into one vast computational resource.
FoldingAtHome - A protein folding simulation run by the Stanford University.
Astrology - Notes on astrology software